

We provide straight forward quantitative and qualitative research techniques for a full range of research areas.
Our main focus is on understanding affecting decisions and choices to increase business effectiveness.
Qualitative Solutions Qualitative Solutions

“Our task as market researchers is to establish the issues, which are vital to your business or organization, that means knowing the right questions to ask and how best to ask them”

“Our professional and flexible approach ensures that each study is conducted to the highest standard, we provide imaginative yet realistic answers to all your qualitative needs , customers insights understanding & monitoring”

  • Pharma Dynamics has a proven track record of Paper based interviews (F2F PAPI) interviewing hard-to-reach populations and collecting complete and accurate survey data.

  • Our field staff are expert in interviewing, abstracting records, and observation.

  • There is the possibility to use CAPI (Computer-assisted personal interviewing).

  • The interviewer uses his laptop screen to read the questions to pose and inputs the responses.

  • We provide Diary Studies.

Respondents are encouraged to provide detailed explanations of their experiences, feelings, and beliefs and through Cognitive testing

Two types of in-depth interviews are:

This type of interview is ideal for detailed exploration of specific ideas, evaluation of concepts and materials that require focus and concentration. It can also often be the most appropriate setting for research covering more emotional topics

Dyads and triads
Dyads and triads are IDI's with two or three respondents. This setting allows for maintenance of focus on details, and also incorporates an interactive element

  • The interviewer asks questions by telephone and records answers on a computer.

  • We have a purpose-built Computer Aided Telephone Interviewing (CATI) Unit with 15 stations, Fully trained interviewers and 2 supervisors.

  • Remote call monitoring—Using a toll-free number and a password, project managers and clients can dial into the interviewing system and listen to interviews in progress.

Focus groups are larger interview group (6-8 participants)
This interview setting is very dynamic & interactive

This setting can be highly creative and is extremely useful in idea generation, insights understanding ,development and testing of product concepts.

Key elements of a well-run focus group include;

  • Defined objectives.

  • Facilities that allow observation and video/audio recording.

  • Careful recruitment of participants.

  • Expert moderators , Our qualitative approaches rely upon moderators who bring deep scientific knowledge to their discussions with therapy area experts.

In addition to a summary report, we deliver audio, video, transcripts, and recommendations.


  • The CAWI (Computer Aided Web Interviewing)
    questionnaire appears in the browser as a web-page that respondents can reach in different ways depending on the sample design.

  • Using CiW - General interviewing for the SSI Web platform or SSI Web software's.

  • Customizable e-mail notifications and reminders to respondents.

  • Password protection to ensure data validity.
    Automatic saving of responses after every page


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